HMF on Sunday

Labels: Beadlemania, hand made Friday, jewelry, pendant, stamped metal
Labels: Beadlemania, hand made Friday, jewelry, pendant, stamped metal
Labels: chain maille, hand made Friday, jewelry, necklace, pendant
Labels: Beadlemania, hand made Friday, necklace, pendant, stamped metal
Labels: cables, cowl, hand knit Friday, Malabrigo, wool
Labels: California, hand made Friday, sewing
Labels: Beadlemania, copper, hand made Friday, jewelry, leather, necklace, stamped metal
Ok, I found my words.
Tonight: Grieve like crazy. Have a cocktail. Take a walk. Weep and wail. Get it out of your system.
Tomorrow: Fight like hell.
Don’t waste your time posting on FB or texting like-minded friends. Get organized. Target candidates in vulnerable Republican senatorial races or those who just hate Trump. CALL THEIR OFFICES ON THE PHONE. Call them every day. Say (as politely as you can) that you request that the senate not confirm another supreme court nominee until after the next president is sworn in on January 20, 2021.
Reports say that Lisa Murkowski has already stated she WILL NOT vote for a new supreme court justice until after the next president is in office. Call her!
Lisa Murkowski: (202) 224-6665 (Hates Trump)
Mitt Romney: (202) 224-5251 (Hates Trump)
Susan Collins: (202) 224-2523 (Is going to lose anyway – so should hate Trump)
Martha McSally: (202) 224-2235 (Vulnerable)
Cory Gardner: (202) 224-5941 (Vulnerable)
We have to have FOUR Republican senators who will vote against in order to save the supreme court. Don’t waste your energy complaining to McConnell. Don’t try to reason with him (but you said in 2016…) that is a waste of energy.
And give a sh*t-ton of money to every senate candidate we need to win an election and stay in office:
John Hickenlooper in Colorado:
Mark Kelly in Arizona:
Sara Gideon in Maine:
Cal Cunningham in North Carolina:
Labels: hand made Friday