Going to battle
That's how Robyn from King Arthur Flour described the mindset of home bakers as they prepare to roll out a pie crust.
I accepted the challenge.
I reviewed the recipe and the notes I took at the KAF live demo a couple of weekends ago. By the way, the recipe booklet is available online in PDF format. (I love the cup from Cost Plus, crochet sleeve not included.)

Getting ready
Then I assembled the ingredients. Today's pie has Granny Smith and Cameo apples.

Assembling the ingredients
I followed the recipe for the crust and added just enough water for the dough to hold together. I used the kitchen scale to help me divide the dough into 2 equal portions, then shaped them into disks and put them into the fridge to chill.
The pie filling was easy to mix together.

Apple pie filling
Now it was time totackle roll out the crusts. Ugh.
Robyn made it look so easy compared to my previous attempts when the dough cracked and tore. Work quickly. Dust with flour. Roll from the center of the circle to the outer edge, but don't run the pin off the edge. Don't roll back and forth. Dust, flip, dust, roll. Lather, rinse, repeat.
hey, Hey, HEY!!! I did it! No cracking, no tearing. Get OUT!

Bottom crust
The top crust went just as well.

Looking good
It baked at 425 for 20 min, then I covered the edges with foil for the next 30 min at 375 degrees and removed the foil for the last 10 minutes.

Apple Pie!
It really looks like something. Even if it's apple soup inside, it'll be apple soup in a perfect pie crust. Waiting it to cool completely before cutting is incredibly difficult. Wow. I did it. Thank you Robyn & KAF!
I accepted the challenge.
I reviewed the recipe and the notes I took at the KAF live demo a couple of weekends ago. By the way, the recipe booklet is available online in PDF format. (I love the cup from Cost Plus, crochet sleeve not included.)

Getting ready
Then I assembled the ingredients. Today's pie has Granny Smith and Cameo apples.

Assembling the ingredients
I followed the recipe for the crust and added just enough water for the dough to hold together. I used the kitchen scale to help me divide the dough into 2 equal portions, then shaped them into disks and put them into the fridge to chill.
The pie filling was easy to mix together.

Apple pie filling
Now it was time to
Robyn made it look so easy compared to my previous attempts when the dough cracked and tore. Work quickly. Dust with flour. Roll from the center of the circle to the outer edge, but don't run the pin off the edge. Don't roll back and forth. Dust, flip, dust, roll. Lather, rinse, repeat.
hey, Hey, HEY!!! I did it! No cracking, no tearing. Get OUT!

Bottom crust
The top crust went just as well.

Looking good
It baked at 425 for 20 min, then I covered the edges with foil for the next 30 min at 375 degrees and removed the foil for the last 10 minutes.

Apple Pie!
It really looks like something. Even if it's apple soup inside, it'll be apple soup in a perfect pie crust. Waiting it to cool completely before cutting is incredibly difficult. Wow. I did it. Thank you Robyn & KAF!
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