Knit Flix

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Food, Glorious Food

You may have noticed that I've been baking. A lot.

What can I say? It's been 4 weeks since I bought Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day and I'm enjoying trying different recipes.

Here's a taste of the baked goodness so far:

AB in 5, Dutch Oven method
Master Boule recipe

Sticky Pecan Caramel Rolls (twice)

Crusty Sandwich Loaf

Reubens on the Crusty Sandwich Loaf

Challah after rising


Chocolate Prune Bread after rising

Chocolate Prune Bread

Some of you are saying, "Prunes?! I don't know about that." Before you write it off, imagine this--2 lbs of Challah dough... add to that 8 oz of Ghirardelli Bittersweet chocolate chunks and chopped prunes. The result is a bread is rich and chocolaty with a touch of sweetness from the dried plums. Yeah. It's all gone.

Hot Cross Buns


The Brioche is on beef stew made with organic veggies received in our CSA share from Two Small Farms. Spinnity & Bill introduced us to Two Small Farms and CSA and this year we joined. I love stew, and from the looks of it we're going to be having a lot more stews and soups in order to eat the quantity of veggies we're receiving every week. This stew had leeks, smallage, turnips, carrots, barley, Cabernet, balsamic vinegar, & veg broth and was sooooo good.

I'm very happy with the progress we made with last week's box. Everything's eaten except for 4 leeks, some smallage and dill.

Tomorrow's share will include mint, beets, shallots, agretti, strawberries, carrots, broccoli, and mei quin choy (baby bok choy) or summer squash.

Agretti?! That's part of the adventure, getting veggies you've never heard of or tried before. Well, it's new to me. Have you have agretti? If so, how did you prepare it? Note to self: avoid agretti with eggs. lol

The ABin5 trend is catching on in my circles--people are telling me they either bought or will buy the book based on the photos here. How cool is that?

Next on deck, 4 lbs of whole wheat dough in the fridge. We'll have a loaf this week.

As Oliver said, "Please, sir, I want some more."

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  • I eat beef maybe a couple of times a year, and sometimes that's because of Reubens.

    Also, I *love* prunes.

    Seriously, it's like you're in my brain, and you know what I'm craving. Can I just come over? :)

    By Blogger Emy, at 4/14/2009 6:11 PM  

  • So fun to have a CSA pal! I hope you enjoy all four weeks of your trial run. We ate our agretti like we eat all our greens : lightly chop, heat small amount of oil in a pan, saute greens with 1 chopped garlic clove, salt, pepper, and a shake of red pepper flakes. Eat when bright green. Yum.

    By Blogger spinnity, at 4/14/2009 7:52 PM  

  • You are killing me with the bread, I now have to get the book too!!

    By Blogger Lisa, at 4/15/2009 12:15 AM  

  • Oh my, these breads are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing all the pictures, I just love to see what people are making from the book!

    Cheers, Zoë

    By Blogger Zoe Francois, at 4/15/2009 5:37 AM  

  • All your bread look so yummy & I love prunes. I love bread but have not make any before.

    By Blogger Ann, at 4/17/2009 6:41 PM  

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