Knit Flix

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Arrowhead no more

Very soon, Arrowhead will be a 50gm ball of yarn. Yup, I'm ripping it out, only to start again. Why you ask? Because of this ->

I don't think blocking is going to solve the problem. The ribbing is pretty short, and it's knit with the same size needles as the body. It really wants to curl up, and it's bugging me.

I'll attempt to solve the problem by knitting the ribbing with 1 size smaller needle and also make it a little longer. Also, I'm going to abandon the tubular cast-on. Eventhough I like the look of it,

it doesn't suit the arrowhead stitch pattern.

So, the ball winder's going to make itself useful, and I'll start all over again. Here's the arrowhead detail. Hopefully I'll be back to this point soon.


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