Knit Flix

Monday, May 24, 2004

What a turnout

Shipping today--
LOTR: Return of the King, and Iris

I saw LOTR in the theatre, but I want to take this opportunity to rent it right away before it goes on "Very Long Wait" status. Iris is a replacement for a damaged disc. I'm noticing that as time goes on, more and more discs arrived damaged. Drag.

Went to SnB SJSC yesterday--the first time in 3 weeks--and what a turnout! We took a group photo for SnB II, and I count 18 stitchers, although there were 1 or 2 who didn't sit for the camera. So, a total of 20. That's pretty impressive.

Part of the draw was probably the photo opp, but I think it was more likely due to the festivities for the last 2 Sundays which kept a lot of folks away, Mothers' Day and a street fair held on Campbell Ave.

Lili was nice enough to write a wonderful bio for the group to be submitted with the photo. I don't know how Debbie's going to incorporate all of the photos & bios, but I hope Lili's piece is included.


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