Knit Flix

Friday, August 17, 2007

A night at the Exhibition

We drove to Sacramento last night for the California State Fair awards ceremony. As such, we were able to see the exhibits the night before the fair opened.

I had never been to the state fair before, so I was anxious and excited. As we entered the building that housed the California Creative Arts, I was expecting to see the knitting display, the beading display, the quilt display, etc., etc.. Instead, I was surprised to see vignettes with a mixture of submitted works. Very nice. I kept thinking of how difficult it must have been to pick winners let alone come up with the concepts of the displays and execute so nicely.

As we walked the floor, our eyes were looking, looking, looking for my pieces. Lo and behold, I found the socks nestled in a corner with quilts, a tea cozy, and cross-stitch items. My socks. Behind glass. Whoa.

Entrelac Socks at the State Fair

Entrelac Socks at the State Fair
Project details on Ravelry

Entrelac Socks at the State Fair

Hard to believe those are the socks that I thought were cursed. I'd say they've achieved redemption.

I didn't want to rush through the displays, but Juliet--where art thou?

We turned the corner and saw that she too was in good company.

Juliet at the State Fair
Project details on Ravelry

I had to get in on this one

Juliet at the State Fair

About an hour later was the awards ceremony. Sandi, the President of the Camellia City Stockin'ettes Knit Guild in the Sacramento Area, presented me with the special award for Juliet. Thank you to Sandi and all the Stockin'ettes!


I also received an envelope for the socks. Both envelopes contained letters congratulating me--I was later told that there were a few difficulties this year and my prizes would be mailed to me. That's going to be one big box that the pelt comes in, huh? But Sandi introduced me to a woman who won the sheep pelt a couple of years ago and she told me how beautiful hers is--white in case you were wondering. (I was.)

To be continued.

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