Knit Flix

Thursday, December 03, 2009

FO: Snowman Illusion Mitts

A few weeks ago Margit asked for some assistance in knitting one of her designs for a photo shoot. Seeing as I had nothing else to do (said with tongue firmly planted in cheek) I volunteered.

Well, this was a fun little knit and allowed me a bit of rest from my other hand garment project which is a tad more involved.

In no time I had a pair of illusion mittens:



Project Details on Ravelry

I used a new-to-me jogless jog method and it worked like a charm:

Jogless jog

I found a link to it in a discussion group on Ravelry--

Rnd 1 with new color: Work as instructed.
Rnd 2: Sl1wyib, then work the rest of the rnd as instructed.

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